Scratch build 1/72 Caproni Ca 5

5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #241 by Stevef

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Now I could put the front panels which I had already moulded on to the booms, followed by the radiators (cut from 60 thou card and scribed), and finally the engines. The latter are mounted on pieces of 60thou card to hold them at the correct level in the nacelle:

When I had installed the engine in the rear of the nacelle, I put the rear horizontal tail surface into place as this helps to keep the entire structure rigid. It will also make painting easier. The white strip in front of the assembly is the top wing::

Next painting and decorating.

Thanks for looking.
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Stevef.

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5 years 7 months ago #242 by Stevef

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Evening All,

Somehow I seem to have started a second thread for this model - I hope that any readers/viewers are not confused: I really am not sure how I managed that! However this is the latest update.

Progress has been slow recently - once again life has conspired to prevent me from doing much lately, but I have managed to paint and decorate the model. I used acrylics for the main components and based the camouflage on a photograph of a Ca 5 in flight and the drawing in Munson's Bombers 1914 - 1919. The serial on the nose was made from an old transfer sheet that I have had for more years than I care to remember - fortunately they showed no sign of deterioration despite their age. The roundels and rudder stripes were hand painted.

Thanks for looking.


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5 years 7 months ago #243 by Stevef

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Evening All,
I started on the fun bit, ie. putting in some of the struts ready to mount the top wing. I learned a long time ago that trying to fit upper wings on to multiple struts requires a bit of planning, and that the wrong way to do it is to try to fix all of the struts into one wing and then try to attach the other: that is the direct road to a mess or worse. Instead I try to attach the outermost pairs of struts on the wings and if the wing is big, (as in this case), one or two inner ones. This way the individual struts can be easily aligned to fit their respective holes if necessary, and sufficient support is provided to make a strong structure which can be gently handled while the remaining struts are inserted one at a time. It also reduces mess, (ie glue all over wing surfaces), damaged paintwork, bad language and the risk of high blood pressure. In other words it works with few, if any, problems....

I am going to rig this monster with clear thread because there are too many attachment points in difficult places for the rigging for me to be able to use rolled copper wire. Thread will also have the advantage of strengthening the completed structure. However before I started to add the struts I put on the pipe from the nacelle engine to the nose radiator on the port (left) side of the fuselage: this was a piece of 30 thou rod bent to shape and attached to the top rear of the engine block. Now I could drill out the holes in the fuselage and insert the threads for the rigging of the cabane struts and the inner wing bays. Next I dry fitted the forward innermost bay struts which were inserted within the engine boom just behind the radiators:

Having decided that they were in the correct position a dab of glue on one end and a rapid insertion into place followed. Next the four outermost wing struts were glued to the lower wing and the assembly inverted and gently lowered on to the underside of the top wing. A rapid assembly jig ensured that the two wings were correctly aligned and the model supported while the struts dried out overnight:

In the morning the jig could be carefully dismantled and the assembly turned back to a normal upright position ready for the addition of the remaining struts. That procedure will follow in due course and the results shown on a later post, but for now this is how the model stands:

If you have been, thanks for looking.


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5 years 7 months ago #244 by Stevef

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There is not too much to show for my recent efforts, but I have rigged the outer wing bays and the bays between the engines and fuselage nacelle: this takes more time than seems reasonable sometimes, but I think that it is easier on a model of this size to rig some of it before carrying on with further details. There will still be more rigging to add to the wings, but that will be finished at a later stage because otherwise it could be easily damaged:

The observant among you will have seem two white bits sticking up from the lower wing undersurface - they are the undercarriage legs. They were made from 60 thou card for the large sections, 30 x 40 card for the supports and 30 thou rod for the struts:

The wheels were mounted in pairs on each side of the axles - making eight in total. These are already ready to fit but again I will not be doing so until later to stop me from accidentally breaking them off while handling the model.

I have also started to make the parts for the rear gunner's platform - this was mounted above the pusher engine in a manner similar to the Ca III. These are the parts cut from card and rod. The rings were cut from 20 thou card using a pair of dividers to score the plastic - a method I first used when I built Frog Vimy in 1978:

Thanks for looking.


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5 years 6 months ago #245 by Stevef

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Well I have been rigging more of the wings - almost finished now, so once again a lot of time taken but little of photographic interest so we will move on to the items added which are more photogenic.

The radiators for the engine in the nacelle were mounted in the nose of the nacelle and on the forward cabane struts. Those on the struts have been fitted while I was rigging in this area:

In the above view you can also see the ends of the rigging wires which ran horizontally across the front struts with a second wire running vertically up the end struts. I drilled all of the struts so that I could pass a thread through them and inserted this first. Then I threaded a vertical wire starting at the top, passing it though the hole in the wing with the other bracing wire and exiting via the second hole down in the strut. I repeated this procedure for the lower of the vertical wires, in this case the upper strut hole was the starting point. To make the shallow V shape and represent the reinforced ends of the horizontal wires I pushed through a small piece of thin stretched sprue which sits alongside the horizontal wire: this was glued to the vertical wire and the strut. When the sprue - strut joint was dry I could gently pull the vertical wires taught and CA the ends before trimming them. In all a complex procedure which is difficult to explain and not much easier to accomplish! I just hope that this makes sense. A sane modeller would not have bothered because only anoraks would know about this arrangement anyway!

The second fiddly bit was the gun platform at the rear of the upper wing. Assembly was straightforward - fixing it to the model was rather less so, but I managed in the end:

NB the gun ring has not been added yet - that will be put on later.

Finally I started to put on the rudders. There were three of these so I put the middle one on first because it is easier to work thet way - leaves more finger/tweezer room for the outer ones:

Those pesky threads in the last photo will eventually become control wires - and I will be very happy indeed to put them in place as they are rarely under control at the moment, indeed it seems that much of the time they are out of control!

So if you have been, thanks for looking.


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5 years 6 months ago #246 by Stevef

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Evening All,

I have spent the last few days finishing this beast - namely adding the two outer rudders and their respective control lines, the large struts which run from the top wing to the fuselage nose area, gun rings on the nose and rear platform, tail skids, propellors and main wheels. Some odds and ends of rigging were also completed and so the model is now finished.....just in time to be ready to start a new one in the Flying Boats and Floatplanes GB on Britmodeller! A build log will be posted here.

In the meantime this is what the model looks like - more photos in the aircraft section will be posted shortly.

So thanks for looking again, and now for the FB & F GB on Britmodeller......


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